Request a Quote

Rotek is pleased to offer online quoting for Fast Track eligible inquiries.  In order to receive a Fast Track quote, please fill out the information below to process your RFQ.

All new Fast Track customers should register as "New Customer".  Once your email account is verified, you will begin to receive eligible Fast Track quotes directly to your inbox in just a matter of minutes.

A member of the Rotek Sales Team will contact you if your RFQ is not Fast Track eligible or if further information is required.

We appreciate the opportunity to earn your business.

Rotek: Exceptional Rings Lead to Exceptional Bearings.


Please enter your email address to get started on receiving a quote.

New Customer Existing Customer

Customer Information: (* Mandatory Field)

First Name: * Last Name: *
Title: Company: *
Address 1: * Phone: *
Address 2: City: *
State: * Zip Code: * Ship to Zip Code: *

Optional Information:

Project ID: Customer PN:

Item Description: (Numeric Values Only)

QTY Break 1: * QTY Break 3:
QTY Break 2: QTY Break 4:
Inches or Millimeters? *  
OD: * Material: *
ID: * Heat Treat (Select one): *
Untreated Normalized Annealed
Height: *
Hardness (Min):   Hardness (Max):

BHN ( Hardness ) is understood to be the surface hardness reading on the forged ring surface, as taken with a KING Tester utilizing a 10mm Tungsten Carbide ball under a 3000kg load per ASTM E10.

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