Frequently Asked Questions
Fast Track FAQ’s
Why aren’t all material grades available for Fast Track?
- ♦ In order for Rotek to offer Fast Track services, we must limit the materials to those that are commonly available and most likely to be in stock. Please contact Rotek with any material grade requests. We will review and potentially add to Fast Track specs.
What are the actual lead times for Fast Track orders?
- ♦ Lead times will vary depending on Fast Track capacity. Lead times are monitored and updated daily. Rotek is committed to compressed lead times versus non-Fast Track orders.
Why aren’t all heat treatments available for Fast Track?
- ♦ In order for Rotek to offer Fast Track services, we must limit the heat treatment requirements.
What is the largest ring that is able to be Fast Tracked?
- ♦ The largest outside diameter available for Fast Track is 85” (2,160mm). The heaviest ring that can be Fast Tracked is 1,500 kgs or 3,300 lbs. Total shipment weight is limited to 20,000 lbs. due to carrier weight restrictions.
Will my material test results (MTR’s) be available when the ring is ready to ship?
- ♦ Yes. Rotek tests all material by mill heat load upon receipt of material so that no orders will be held up by testing.
I need additional testing, where can I put this information in my request for quote?
- ♦ Rotek mechanically tests all Fast Track material grades. Any testing requirement outside of mechanical properties is not eligible for Fast Track.
How is ring hardness measured?
- ♦ BHN (Hardness) is understood to be the surface hardness reading on the forged ring surface, as taken with a KING Tester utilizing a 10mm Tungsten Carbide ball under a 3000kg load per ASTM E10.
If a quote needs to be reviewed, how long until I hear back from someone?
- ♦ Rotek is committed to same day follow-up for all quotes under review.
How long is a quote valid?
- ♦ All online quotes are valid for 30 days from submission date.
I received an online quote. How do I place a Fast Track order?
- ♦ Information regarding how to place an order and who to contact will be included in your quote.
How do I know my order has been received?
- ♦ An order acknowledgement is sent to our customers for every order received. Acknowledgements for Fast Track orders will be sent out the same day as the order has been received. To ensure your order will be processed, please send your purchase order to Purchaseorder@rotek-inc.com
Who can I contact if I need to make changes to my order?
- ♦ Please contact Rotek directly at 330-562-4000 or Sales@rotek-inc.com and a representative will be able to assist you.
What is the cut-off time of day for same day processing?
- ♦ All orders received prior to 12:00 noon (EST) will be processed the same day. Any and all orders received after 12:00 noon will be processed the following business day. Please note this cut-off time may add one business day to your current lead time/expected ship date.
I have a large quantity order, will this be processed the same?
- ♦ As long as sufficient material and capacity are available, there will be no issue. If you would like to add multiple releases, specify this on your P.O. and we can adjust accordingly. Total shipment weight is limited to 20,000 lbs. due to freight carrier weight restrictions.
Why do I have to be “authenticated” to use Fast Track?
- ♦ Authenticating users allows Rotek to eliminate spam, protect our integrity, and ensure accuracy of all quotes being sent out.
What is required to become and authenticated user?
- ♦ Credit line must be pre-approved.
- ♦ Adequate shipping and receiving location required.
- ♦ Ship to location must also be an authenticated location. Drop shipment is not available.
- ♦ Material demand fits parameters of the Fast Track program.
- ♦ Met Rotek representative and have accepted Rotek Sales Terms and Conditions.
How long does it take to get authorization for Fast Track?
- ♦ Authentication is a one-time only process. Rotek is committed to same day authorization check and follow up. Once approved, Rotek quotes will be sent to you within minutes of submitting an RFQ.
I placed a Fast Track order, how can I monitor/track it?
- ♦ A Rotek representative monitors all Fast Track orders daily. If an issue arises you will be contacted immediately. If you have specific questions about your order, or need to make changes, please contact Rotek directly at 330-562-4000 or email us at Sales@rotek-inc.com and a sales rep will contact you directly.
I have more questions that aren’t listed here. Who can I ask?
- ♦ For more information or clarification, please contact Rotek direct at 330-562-4000 or Sales@rotek-inc.com.